Kylie’s expertise is in helping stakeholders identify, analyse and respond to challenges of social and environmental change, work which she has applied in an international development context especially in PNG for the past decade. Kylie has published widely on topics including post-colonialism, law, aid, revenue distribution, security and the environment. She was awarded a PhD in Sociology from The Australian National University in 2012, and is the author of Corporate Social Responsibility and National Resource Conflict published in 2016.
- Master of Business Administration, MB620, Cross-Cultural Management
- Master of Research Methodology, RM613, Resources for Applied Research in Papua New Guinea
- Masted of Research Methodology, RM603, Crafting the Literature Review
- Master of Research Methodology, RM605, Interpreting and Analysing the Data
Associate Professor Centre for Social Research, Divine Word University
Research Principal Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
Consultant Natural Resource Governance Index
Visiting Fellow Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
Research Fellow State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, Australian National University
Research Officer Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University
- Doctor of Philosophy, Australian National University, 2012
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons I), Sociology, University of Sydney
- Diploma of Youth Work, TAFE NSW, Australia.
Aime, A., Lyokao, P., McKenna, K., Namun, K., Nasale, P., Pelly Larsh, H., Schuele, E., Vamilat, M., Yegiora, B. & Warua, G. (2020), “Increasing blended and online learning in PNG universities: the DWU experience”, Devpolicy Blog, https://devpolicy.org/increasing-blended-and-online-learning-in-png-universities-th e-dwu-experience-20200520-2/
McKenna, K., Ariku, A., Ariku, E., Siniku, A. & Sam, L. (2020), “The Bougainville Referendum through the eyes of the “lost generation”: Observations from Siwai”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint. https://doi.org/10.1111/apv.12300
McKenna, K., Tekopiri Yakam, L., Gibbs, P., Ezekiel Toimb, J. & Ulno, J. (2020), “Social perspectives of different age and gender groups in selected communities in Western Highlands, Jiwaka and Madang Provinces, in PNG”, Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, Vo1. 32, pp. 22-45.
Nasale, P., Nongkas, R. & McKenna, K. (2020), “Social media and intimate partner violence in PNG”, Devpolicy Blog. https://devpolicy.org/social-media-and-intimate-partner-violence-in-png-20200814/
- Ezekiel, J., Gibbs, P., McKenna, K., Tekopiri Yakam, L. & Ulno, J. (2020), The social perspectives of different age and gender groups in selected communities in Western Highlands, Jiwaka, and Madang provinces, in PNG. Pilot project summary report. Prepared for HORIZONT3000.
- Jacobs, B., McKenna, K., Boronyak, L., Dem, F., Sui, S., Pomoh, K., Jimbudo, M. and Maraia, H. (2020), Engaging Communities and Government in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation in Papua New Guinea. In W. Leal Filho (ed.), Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region, Climate Change Management Series. Springer: Switzerland. pp. 213-230.
- McKenna, K. (2020), “The Bougainville referendum: Celebrations turn to sadness and hope”, The Interpreter, 30 January 2020. Available at: https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/bougainville-referendum-celebrations-turn-sadness-and-hope
- McKenna, K., Gibbs, P., Tekopiri Yakam, L., Ulno, J. (2020). Papua New Guinea: Journey to Ambullua. The Interpreter. Available at: https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/png-journey-ambullua
- Khalil, M. B., Jacobs, B. C., McKenna, K., & Kuruppu, N. (2019), Female contribution to grassroots innovation for climate change adaptation in Bangladesh. Climate and Development, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2019.1676188
- Gibbs, P., McKenna, K., & Yakam, L. (2019), Perception of the public on the law as a deterrent to sorcery accusation related violence, Madang Province, PNG. DWU Research Journal, vol 28, May 2019, pp. 51-71. https://www.dwu.ac.pg/en/images/All_Attachements/Research%20Journals/vol_30/5._Gibbs_McKenna__Yakam_sorcery_accusation_related_violence.pdf
- McKenna, K. (2019), “The Bougainville Referendum: James Marape’s biggest challenge or biggest opportunity?”, Devpol, 26 July 2019. Available at: https://devpolicy.org/the-bougainville-referendum-james-marapes-biggest-challenge-or-biggest-opportunity-20190726/
- McKenna, K., Ariku, A., Ariku, E., Sam, L. & Siniku, A. (2019), “The celebratory Bougainville referendum – stories from Siwai”, The Interpreter, 9 December 2019. Available at: https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/celebratory-bougainville-referendum-stories-siwai
- McKenna, K., Jacobs, B., Sui, S., Boronyak, L., Dem, F., Pomoh, K., Jimbudo, M and Maraia, H. (2019), “Community responses to the effects of climate change in PNG”, Devpol, 3 July 2019. https://devpolicy.org/community-responses-to-the-effects-of-climate-change-in-png-20190703/
- McKenna, K. (2019), Implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement: Implications for Referendum. PNG National Research Institute. Available at: https://pngnri.org/images/Publications/Status_and_implementation_of_the_Bougainville_Peace_Agreement_and_implications_for_referendum_.pdf
- Boronyak, L., Jacobs, B., McKenna, K., Dem, F., Pomoh, K., Sui, S, Jimbudo, M and Maraia, H. (2018), Engagement on Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation in Papua New Guinea. Prepared for USAID by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and the New Guinea Binatang Research Centre. Available at: https://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/our-research/institute-sustainable-futures/our-research/climate-change-0
- Riedy, C., Wynne, L., McKenna, K., and Daly, M. (2018), “”It’s a great idea for other people”: Cohousing as a housing option for older Australians”, Urban Policy and Research, Vol. 37(2), 227-242. https://doi.org/10.1080/08111146.2018.1531750
- McKenna, K., Pomoh, K., Boronyak, L., Jacobs, B. (2017), “PNG’s role in facilitating climate change dialogue. Devpolicy blog. Available at: http://www.devpolicy.org/pngs-role-in-facilitating-climate-change-dialogue-20171219/
- Riedy, C., McKenna, K., Wynne, L., and Daly, M. (2017), “Co-housing works well for older people, once they get past the image problem”. The Conversation. Available at: http://theconversation.com/co-housing-works-well-for-older-people-once-they-get-past-the-image-problem-79907
- McKenna, K. (2016), Corporate Social Responsibility and Natural Resource Conflict, Routledge, Oxon. Available at: https://www.routledge.com/Corporate-Social-Responsibility-and-Natural-Resource-Conflict/McKenna/p/book/9781138783287
- McKenna, K. (2016), “Land of the unexpected: Natural resource conflict and peace building in Papua New Guinea”, Business, Peace and Sustainable Development, 7(June 2016), pp. 32-49. Available at: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/glbj/bpsd/2016/00002016/00000007/art00004
- McKenna, K. (2015), “Australia’s new aid paradigm and the natural resource curse”, SSGM In Brief, 16. Available at: http://dpa.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/publications/1589/australias-new-aid-paradigm-and-natural-resource-curse
- McKenna, K. (2015), “BP, security and human rights in West Papua”, New Mandala, 4th September 2015. Available at: https://www.newmandala.org/bp-security-and-human-rights-in-west-papua/
- McKenna, K. (2015), “Corporate security practices and human rights in West Papua”, Conflict, Security and Development, 15(4), pp. 359-385. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/6vmH4iZJmiHTKdTYsZMS/full
- McKenna, K. (2015), “There is relief that it seems to be working’: BP’s Integrated Community Based Security Strategy in West Papua”, SSGM In Brief, 61. Available at: http://dpa.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/publications/4141/there-relief-it-seems-be-working-bps-integrated-community
- McKenna, K. (2015), “Mining and reconciliation: Negotiating the future of the Panguna mine in Bougainville”, SSGM In Brief, 35. Available at: http://dpa.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/publications/4101/mining-and-reconciliation-negotiating-future-panguna-mine
- McKenna, K. (2014), “Business and peace: Lessons from Bougainville”, Business, Peace and Sustainable Development, 2, pp. 28-55. Available at: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/glbj/bpsd/2014/00002014/00000002/art00004
- McKenna, K. (2014), “Greed and Grievance or scales of justice?”, SSGM In Brief, 38. Available at: http://dpa.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/publications/1244/greed-and-grievance-or-scales-justice
- McKenna, K., and Dinnen, S. (2014), “Operationalising the United Nations' 'Protect, respect and remedy' framework at the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea’, SSGM In Brief, 56. Available at: http://dpa.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/publications/1239/operationalising-united-nations’-‘protect-respect-and-remedy’
- McKenna, K. (2013), “Resource development and peace building in Melanesia”, Devpolicy Blog. Available at: http://www.devpolicy.org/resource-development-and-peace-building-in-melanesia-20130503/
- McKenna, K. and Braithwaite, J. (2012), “Large corporations and obstacles to peace in Papua”. Comprehending West Papua, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney. Available at: http://johnbraithwaite.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2011_Large-corporations-and-obstacl.pdf
- Ford, J., and McKenna, K. (2008), “Peacebuilding and the private sector: Scoping a research agenda”, Centre for International Governance and Justice, 4. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/1518275/Peacebuilding_and_the_Private_Sector_Scoping_a_Research_Agenda