Department of Finance and Management
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is experiencing rapid social and economic growth and change across all development sectors to realize the PNG Government’s Vision 2050. As a national development priority, building a skilled workforce is imperative to drive the nation’s strategic development priorities to meet set targets. As a result, organizations must have the ‘right’ current workforce managed in such a manner to withstand and see prosperity amidst the ever changing environments. Under the auspices of Divine Word University, the Department of Finance and Management (DFM) became incepted, as one of its significant players in program offering to respond to this need. DFM is a new addition to the existing departments in the Faculty of Business and Informatics (FBI) under the leadership of the Dean of FBI. Despite being a new comer in 2013, DFM already has postgraduate and undergraduate programs with an enrolment of more than 200 students and a record history of having graduated more than 1000 students already.
DFM continues to address current employee professional and workplace needs in its program offerings. All programs are designed in flexible learning mode and assessments are workplace-based. Students are required to attend a two week face to face intensive residential and a workplace application component must happen once a semester for two years. Programs incorporate high standard personal and professional graduate attributes as set by Divine Word University.
In line with the third decade Divine Word University Strategic Plan, the Department of Finance and Management intends to offer online programs at the postgraduate and the undergraduate levels. This move will enable accessibility to a larger PNG workforce population and citizens. The teaching team is highly qualified and experienced in industry and academia. Adult learning approaches are applied to learning experiences. Teaching strategies and approaches and learning is enhanced with the availability of modern learning and teaching facilities in the campuses where programs are offered.