Research Outputs 2017
Criteria used to determine eligible research outputs
The Australia Department of Education and Industry’s annual ‘Higher Education Research Data Collection’ has not required Higher Education Providers to provide a ‘Research Publications Return’ since the 2014 reporting year. In that year research publications were defined as ‘books, book chapters, journal articles and/or conference publications’. In the subsequent reporting years, only research income has been reported.
In recent years the Australian Research Council (ARC) has assumed sole responsibility for collecting research outputs, in the form of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) research evaluation framework.
The current criteria are given in in the Australian Research Council ‘Excellence in Research for Australia 2018 Submission Guidelines’
The eligible research output types are:
(a) books—authored research
(b) chapters in research books—authored research
(c) journal articles—scholarly, peer reviewed journal
(d) conference publications—full paper refereed
DWU has followed the criteria of the 2018 ERA round. Accordingly:
• The year of publication for research outputs is the 2017 calendar year
• Conference presentations are not included unless published
• Peer review is required for books and conference publications (and a statement of proof is required if the publisher is not a commercial publisher – ‘A statement from an author that a publication was peer reviewed is not acceptable’)
• Books and journals must have ISBNs and ISSNs
• Publication in journals must be in internationally recognised journal lists*
• Creative works such as novels, manuals and handbooks, textbooks or chapters in textbooks, translations and theses do not count as research publications
• Each research publication is only counted once across the institution
* The 2018 ERA Submission Guidelines use Clarivate Analytics’s master journal list
The DWU Research Journal and Catalyst are not in the Clarivate list, but are in the Informit Indigenous Collection and publications in these journals are therefore deemed eligible.
12.3 List of research outputs for most recent year
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Aime, A. (2017). The institution of the men’s house and making of men. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 27, 1-7.
Anderson, P., & Kolodziejczyk, I. (2017). Academic Writing: Good writers wanting to be better. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 26, 67-79.
Burton, J.E. & J. Onguglo (2017). ‘Disconnected Development Worlds: Responsibility towards Local Communities in Papua New Guinea.’ In Colin Filer and Pierre-Yves Le Meur (eds) Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics. Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea (pp. 261-289). Canberra: ANU Press.
Burton, J. with Y. Haihuie (2017). Corruption Risks in Mining Awards: Papua New Guinea.
Port Moresby: Transparency International Papua New Guinea
Gesch, P. (2017). Thinking along the same lines: Varieties of initiation and varieties of fieldwork in Sepik and Madang. In A.T. von Poser & A. von Poser, Facets of fieldwork: Essays in honor of Jurg Wassmann (pp. 41-56). Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter.
Gesch,P. (2017). Varieties of local leadership in three peri-urban communities of Madang.
Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 26, 109-120.
Gibbs, P., & Kale, E. (2017). Completion rates in flexible learning. PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 26, 56-66.
Sullivan, M., J. Burton, D. Ellis, J. Golson & P. Hughes (2017). ‘Stone Sources and Petrology of Kuk Swamp Artefacts’ In J. Golson, T. Denham, P. Hughes, P. Swadling & J. Muke (eds) Ten Thousand Years of Cultivation at Kuk Swamp in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (pp. 403-416). Canberra: ANU Press, Terra Australis 46
Faculty of Education
Paraide, P., Evans, T., & Casey, G. (2017). Using action research for sustainable community development in a remote a district in PNG. Contemporary PNG Studies DWU Research Journal, 26, 44-55
Faculty of Business and Informatics
Airi, P., & Anderson, P.K. (2017). Cisco Packet Tracer as a teaching and learning tool for computer networks in DWU. Contemporary PNG Studies, DWU Research Journal, 26, 88-108.
Anderson, P.K. (2017). Population modelling with exponential functions: Logistic Equation.
DWU E-Journal of Informatics, 1, 1-20.
Daniel, M. (2017). Electronic government: Evaluating status of service usage in Papua New Guinea. Contemporary PNG Studies DWU Research Journal, 26, 30-43.
Daniel, M. (2017). Electronic government: Factors that influence adoption by agencies in Papua New Guinea. Contemporary PNG Studies DWU Research Journal, 27, 17-27.
Daniel, M. (2017). Factors that could influence adoption of e-learning in developing countries. DWU E-Journal of Informatics, 1, 21-28.
Gunik, R., (2017). Facilitating Software Development using UML Model. Contemporary PNG Studies DWU Research Journal, 27, 28-41.
Misra, R.B., Anderson, P.K., & Ameen, J.R. (2017), Some Unique Characteristics of Exponential functions. Contemporary PNG Studies, DWU Research Journal, 27, 8-16.
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Begani, R.K. & Begani, A.Z. (2017) Alluvial gold mining sites as exposure pathways for methyl mercury toxicity in children: A systematic review. Health, 9, 930-941.
Clarke, G. M., Rockett, K., Kivinen, K., Hubbart, C., Jeffreys, A. E., … Michon, P., et al (2017). Characterisation of the opposing effects of G6PD deficiency on cerebral malaria and severe malarial anaemia. ELife, 6: e15085 doi:
Karthikeyan, P., & Ramalingam, K. P. (2017). e-learning initiatives in delivering the undergraduate physiotherapy education program in Papua New Guinea. Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology, 3(1), 31-40.
Manineng, C.M., MacLaren D., Baigry, M., Trowalle, E., Muller, R., Vallely, A. et al. (2017). Re-establishing safer medical-circumcision-integrated initiation ceremonies for HIV prevention in a rural setting in Papua New Guinea. A multi-method acceptability study. PLoS One, 12(11): e0187577. doi:
Marme, G. (2017). TB infection control: Barriers and facilitating factors. Contemporary PNG Studies, DWU Research Journal. 26, 80-87
Marme, G.D. (2017). Patients’ perspectives of TB DOTS treatment in Madang Province.
Contemporary PNG Studies, DWU Research Journal. 27, 51-64
Namun,K., Irumai, A., Chakumai, K., Papapu, S., Sion, P. & Semos, I. (2016). Where are they now? A tracer study of former Health Management students of Divine Word University. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 25, 77-93
Papapu, S. (2017). Factors affecting waiting time at Modilon General Hospital.
Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, 27, 65-76
Vallely, A., MacLaren D., Toliman P., Kelly-Hanku A., Toto B,… Manineng, C.M., et al (2017).
Dorsal longitudinal foreskin cut is associated with reduced risk of HIV, syphilis and genital herpes in men: a cross-sectional study in Papua New Guinea. Journal of the International AIDS Society 20(1): 21358. doi: