Welcome to Department of Department of Governance and Leadership

The Department of Governance and Leadership (DGL) was established as a department under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) in 2013. The programs were initially under the Faculty of Flexible Learning which was abolished in December 2012. All programs offered under DGL are through flexible learning (FL) mode and are specifically targeted at the workforce of PNG. Most students enrolled in these programs are adult working students who are required to attend a two-week residential session every semester for the two years duration of their studies.

The department is committed to the Arts Faculty vision by ensuring it is in the business of producing quality working adult graduates for the workforce in Papua New Guinea in the twenty-first century. The programs are designed to equip and develop knowledge and competencies of public servants in the broad areas of public sector governance, leadership and management in order for them to deal with issues in contemporary PNG workplaces. The fast evolving workplaces in PNG are increasingly exposed to new challenges from the context of globalization and international benchmarking and best practices, which gives the department the greatest challenge to come up with best formal training and education for adult working students which are also based on ethical and Christian values.


Madang Campus

Divine Word University,

Allotment Portion 7,

Section Milinch Kranket,

Nabasa Road,

P.O Box 483,
Madang 511, Madang,
Papua New Guinea

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 424 1800
       (+675) 422 2937
       (+675) 7111 0002

Port Moresby Campus

DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741


Wewak Campus

St. Benedict’s campus,
PO Box 542
Kaindi, Wewak, ESP 531

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 456 2327
       (+675) 456 3243

Fax: (+675) 456 2331


Rabaul Campus

c/- OLSH Kabaleo
P.O. Box 138
Kokopo, ENB 613

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 982 8213
Fax: (+675) 982 8339


Tabubil Campus

c/- DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131


Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741

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