This is my seventh year of teaching international relations at Divine Word University. I joined the University in 2012.
My area of specialty is in international relations theory and foreign policy. I am also fascinated with the rise of China and have since written my Honours sub-thesis and Master’s dissertation on the Chinese economic reforms and Chinese soft power respectively.
My teaching and learning methods are based on my philosophy of education and my personality. I see myself as not a giver of knowledge but a facilitator. I facilitate the transfer and flow of knowledge to students who use the knowledge for their own betterment.
Thus apart from using the traditional methods of teaching, I am more into using technology especially social media to share knowledge with students. This ‘blended’ approach complements the use of Moodle by Divine Word University.
I am also a member of the Faculty Curriculum and Assessment Committee and the Quality Assurance Committee. The function of both is focused on quality assurance
Research Projects:
- IR202 Theories of International Relations
- IR302 International Law in International Relations
- IR333 Foreign Policy Analysis
- IR431 International and Regional Security
- IR432 Geopolitics in Asia-Pacific
- IR204 PNG Foreign Policy
Current Designation
Full time
Part Time
- 2003-2006: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & History
- 2007-2008: Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Political Science
- September 2009 – September 20011: Degree of Law Masters in International Politics (Contemporary International Relations)
- 2013: Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
- Aime, A., Lyokao, P., McKenna K., Namun, K., Nasale, P. Larsh, P. H., Schuele, E., Vamilat, M., Yegiora, B. and Warua, G. (2020, May 20). Increasing blended and online learning in PNG universities: the DWU experience [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://devpolicy.org/increasing-blended-and-online-learning-in-png-universities-the-dwu-experience-20200520-2/
Baptiste, L., Yegiora, B., Tosa, W., Gesch, P., Kula-Semos, M., Hamadi, C., Kuias, G. and Hasu, L. (2019). Issues potentially emanating from the voting in the Bougainville referendum. Issues Paper, 32. Retrieved from https://pngnri.org/images/Publications/Issues_Paper_No_32_Issues_potentially_emanating_from_the_voting_in_the_Bougainville_Referendum.pdf
- Yegiora, B. (2014). How Chinese entrepreneurs out muscle local Papuan New Guinea businesses. In F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), The Crocodile Prize Anthology 2014. Pukpuk Publishing. (2014).
- Yegiora, B. (2014). Pork-barrelling: Jeffery ‘Santu’ Nape. In F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), The Crocodile Prize Anthology 2014. Pukpuk Publishing. (2014).
Yegiora, B (2013). Beyond ‘bisnis blo mi’: redeining the public service. In F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), The Crocodile Prize Anthology 2011. Pukpuk Publishing. (2013).
Yegiora, B (2011). The inevitable growth of global sinophobia. In F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), The Crocodile Prize Anthology 2011. Pukpuk Publishing. (2011).
- Yegiora, S. B. (2011). Soft power as an analytical tool in the case of rising China (Master’s thesis). Jilin University, Changchun, China.
- Yegiora, B. (2008). A study of China’s economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping, as a paradigm for an ideological shift in PNG [Unpublished honors subthesis]. University of Papua New Guinea