Lomot Bonyoda Rodney

Ms. Lomot Bonyoda Rodney
SeniorTutor - Midwifery
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Summary Lomot Bonyoda Rodney is a registered nursing officer and midwife in Papua New Guinea. She works as a nursing officer at Lorengau Hospital before joining St Mary’s School of Nursing, Rabaul Campus, Divine Word University in 2014. She currently works as a senior tutor in the Nursing department teaching both the diploma in general nursing and bachelor of midwifery. She did her diploma in general nursing at St Mary’s School of Nursing and later did her bachelor of midwifery at University of Papua New Guinea. She had also undergone certificate IV in Training and Assessment. She also did her post graduate certificate in higher education teaching and learning at Divine Word University. She is a member of the Papua New Guinea Midwifery Society and East New Britain Midwifery society. Research Projects: |