Luciana Mamats

Ms. Luciana Mamats
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Summary Luciana Mamats is a registered midwife from Papua New Guinea who is currently teaching at St Mary’s School of Nursing – Vunapope. She worked as a general nurse in Lemakot Health Centre under Kavieng Diocese (Catholic Health Services) from 2009 till beginning of March 2011 before taking up the role as a Clinical Supervisor and then Tutor at St Mary’s School Of Nursing. Since then she had been teaching Anatomy and Physiology in the Under graduate Program- Diploma in General Nursing. From June 2015- June 2016, she did her Bachelor in Midwifery and then towards the end of 2016 around the month of November she did her Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning through flexible studies from Divine Word University. In 2017, she taught Obstetric Nursing in second year students and Nursing Practice in first year students. This year she is still teaching at the school, taking Obstetric Nursing in second year students and Anatomy and Physiology in first year students. Research Projects: