Volume 24 May 2016
Modification of DOI theory – the case of mobile phones in rural Papua New Guinea
Joseph Kim Suwamaru
Enterprise systems: An emerging technology for Papua New Guinea universities
Martin Daniel
Web 2.0 distinct characteristics and implications for small businesses in Papua New Guinea
Thadreina Abady, Kingston Namun
Comparing spreadsheet and R platforms for teaching university mathematics
Doris Benig, Peter Anderson
Some interesting properties of mathematical entities to challenge and motivate students
Ram Bilas Misra, Peter K Anderson
The Pacific Marine Industrial Zone and the Village:Strategies to convert the resource boom into development
Patrick Gesch, Patrick Matbob
Analysing qualitative data using an iterative processAnalysing qualitative data using an iterative process
Joseph Kekeya
A case study on the impact of large classes on student learning
Michael Loh Epri
Exploring factors that shaped results of Bougainville’s general elections in 2015
Steven Kolova