Welcome to Centre for Learning and Teaching
The Centre inspires and advances scholarly and innovative approaches to teaching and learning in educational practices across university. CLT provides support to faculties in their ongoing professional development as reflective and technology advanced academic leaders committed to effective student learning. The Centre offers guidance and support to students in developing and enhancing their academic performance and transformative educational experience.

This is my seventh year of teaching international relations at Divine Word University. I joined the University in 2012.
My area of specialty is in international relations theory and foreign policy. I am also fascinated with the rise of China and have since written my Honours sub-thesis and Master’s dissertation on the Chinese economic reforms and Chinese soft power respectively.
My teaching and learning methods are based on my philosophy of education and my personality. I see myself as not a giver of knowledge but a facilitator. I facilitate the transfer and flow of knowledge to students who use the knowledge for their own betterment.
Thus apart from using the traditional methods of teaching, I am more into using technology especially social media to share knowledge with students. This ‘blended’ approach complements the use of Moodle by Divine Word University.
I am also a member of the Faculty Curriculum and Assessment Committee and the Quality Assurance Committee. The function of both is focused on quality assurance.Research Interests:
International relations theory, foreign policy, China and use of social media in higher education teaching and learning
Yegiora, B. (2014). Pork-barrelling: Jeffrey ‘Santu; Nape, savior, giver and Nimai ninja. In the Crocodile Prize Anthology 2014 (pp. 294-298). Urangan: Pukpuk Publication.
Yegiora, B. (2011). The inevitable growth of global sinophobia. In the Crocodile Prize Anthology 2011 (pp. 182-183). Urangan: Pukpuk Publication.
Research Profile:
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernard-yegiora-32344030/
Research Gate Profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bernard_Yegiora

I joined the University in 2016 as a Tutor in the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science.
My discipline area of specialty and also a coordinator of is computing science. I also facilitate other units in applied mathematics, CCNA and systems analysis and design. I am fascinated with ubiquitous computing – particularly microcontrollers and sensors for monitoring and evaluation which resulted in an article written for 2019 publications and more to follow.
My philosophy of teaching and learning is of a social interaction where there is a constant flow of discussion and interaction that brings enlightenment to the learners’ knowledge gap. This philosophy is seen through my experience to have gradually instilled confidence in both the facilitator and the learners.
I am a member of the Faculty Curriculum and Assessment Committee and also identified as a member of the editorial team for the E-Journal of Informatics.
Research Interests:Software design process, applied mathematics, pure mathematics, ubiquitous computing, computer networks
Publications:Gunik, R., (2017). Facilitating Software Development using the UML model
Research Profile:
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodney-gunik-6511059b/
Research Gate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rodney_Gunik