The challenges confronting the PNG healthcare system are well documented with many of these challenges stemming directly from inadequate management capacity. Tordoff (1987) pointed out that the lack of well qualified and experienced personnel at senior and middle levels in Papua New Guinea has been an important constraint on development. He also said that at the time of decentralization (in 1977), this was particularly true of the health sector, where competent, experienced health managers were few in number and management training opportunities limited.
In addition, Kolehmainen-Aitken (1992) saw that for decentralization to succeed, provincial staff must be equipped with sufficient management skills. [2]She wrote that health worker training became the main avenue by which the Department of Health could influence the standards of health services in the provinces. She also said that training an adequate number of competent provincial health managers was the obvious first priority for the PNG Health service.
A report titled: A review of health leadership and management capacity in Papua New Guinea written by Augustine Asante and John Hall from the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of New South Wales and published in 2011 again highlighted the need for training in administration and management in the PNG Health Care system. They said:
“The health management and leadership capacity in PNG has been a source of concern for many years and several initiatives have been taken to improve it but with little success. In general, the competence of health managers, especially at the local level, remains weak. Health extension officers (HEOs) who are largely involved in managing the district health service do not seem to have sufficient managerial skills for the task they are expected to perform. Although the majority of HEOs have adequate formal education with a four-year bachelor degree, questions have been raised as to whether there is sufficient management focus in their training to enable them to become good local managers.”[3]
Successive national health plans by the PNG Government have also documented the issues: National Health Plan 1996-2000; National Health Plan 2001-2010 and the current National Health Plan 2011-2020. Even the World Health Organisations points out that there is a misdistribution of specialist clinical and technical skills where 30% of skilled health professionals occupy administrative and management positions (WHO, 2013)[4]. In fact, the health management and leadership challenges faced by PNG are not unique but mirror the challenges faced by many low-income countries (Asante and Hall 2011).
The aim of the Health Management program is to train undergraduate students to become qualified health managers to address the health care needs of Papua New Guinea through the National Health Plan and to meet the high demand of qualified health managers in the PNG Health Care System. This undergraduate program aims to serve society through quality teaching, learning, research and community engagement in a Christian environment. The program is aligned with the DWU 30 year Strategic Plans, National Health Plan 2011-2020, PNG Medium Term Development Plan 2010-2030 and PNG Vision 2050.
[1]Tordoff, W. (1987).Issues in decentralization in Papua New Guinea, Journal of Commonwealth
and Comparative Politics, 25(1), 42-70.
[2]Riitta-LiisaKolehmainen-Aitken (1992). The impact of decentralization on health workforce development in Papua New Guinea, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Vol. 12, page 175-191
[3] Asante, A., and Hall, J., (2011). A review of health leadership and management capacity in Papua New Guinea, Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, University of New south Wales: Sydney.
[4]WHO (2013) Global Workforce Alliance: Papua New Guinea. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/workforcealliance/countries/png/en/
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The Bachelor of Health Management program of Divine Word University (DWU) is a response to the national need for ethical, confident and competent managers of health facilities and health projects who are able to cope with the diversity of conditions in PNG’s changing health system.
Divine Word University, in recognizing this need for trained health managers, began offering programs in health management (previously called health administration), in 1998 through funding from AusAID. The program provides education that combines acknowledged local expertise in business, communication and finance and accounting, with international expertise in health services management education.
The PNG Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2015 acknowledges the huge challenges PNG faces in terms of rebuilding and up skilling the nation’s health workforce to combat rising negative health indicators. This, however, has not stopped DWU from providing this essential course. A review of the Papua New Guinea Health Sector in 2004 praised DWU’s contribution acknowledged DWU’s contribution towards training health managers and described the University as a ‘new actor’ in the landscape for tertiary health education and training in PNG (Mandie-Filer, Bolger, and Hauck 2004)[1]. The Health Management course, when started in 1998, was known as Health Administration and began with a Certificate Level which was a one year program. Then it progressed to a two year Diploma in Health Administration and then in 2001 began the four year Bachelor in Health Management Program. Its graduates now work in the National Government health System, NGOs and the Church Health System all over the country.
The current BHM program is progressively observing other universities around the world that provide a qualification in Health Administration, Health Care Administration, Health Service Management, Health Care Administration to benchmark thus improving quality of the research, teaching and learning in the DWU program. These universities include Columbia Southern University[2], Curtin University of Technology[3], La Trobe University[4], Australian Catholic University[5], Monash University[6]. From observing the programs of many of these universities, it can be stated the DWU Health Management undergraduate degree is one of very few health management courses delivered at the undergraduate level. This is because the majority of the health management courses taken in these overseas universities are delivered at postgraduate level only.
Today there are just over 100 students in the Bachelor program from year one to year four. Each year, DWU graduates around 25 Health Management students to enter the PNG workforce. The Health Management Program in Divine Word University provides competent and qualified health managers for the PNG workforce ultimately to help fulfill the National Health Plan 2011-2020. This Plan emphasizes strengthening primary health care services delivery and aligns its objectives with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Its values stated explicitly include equity, gender and people-centeredness. The National Health Plan states that increasing universal health coverage and equity in access for the rural majority and the urban poor is the first and most important objective. The National Health Service Standards for Papua New Guinea 2011-2020 outline a seven (7) level health service delivery structure and systematically describe a package of health services and the number, types and mix of staff that should be provided at each level of health care. The BHM takes account of these Standards.
[1]Mandie-Filer, A, Bolger, J. and V. Hauck.(2004).Papua New Guinea’s health sector - A review of capacity, change and performance issues.
[1]Columbia Southern University, (2013).Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration. Retrieved from http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/Degree/Business/Health-Care-Administration
[2]Columbia Southern University, (2013).Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration. Retrieved from http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/Degree/Business/Health-Care-Administration
[3]Curtin University of Technology, (2013). Master of Health Administration. Retrieved from: http://courses.curtin.edu.au/course_overview/postgraduate/Master-HealthAdministration
[4] La Trobe University, (2013). Master of Health Administration. Retrieved from: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/health-administration/postgraduate
[5] Australian Catholic University, (2013). Master of Health Administration. Retrieved from: http://www.acu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/health/health_administration/master_of_health_administration
[6] Monash University, (2013) Master of Health Service Management. Retrieved from: http://www.monash.edu.au/study/coursefinder/course/2872/
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{article Partnerships-FMHS}[text]
Local Partnerships
Modion General Hospital
Madang Provincial Health Office
National Department of Health
PNG Institute of Medical Research
International Partnerships
James Cook University
Brad for the World International
Queensland Health Executive Association