Welcome to Finance Division

The Bursar is the officer in charge of the business and financial aspects of DWU administration. She is assisted by a Director of Finance, Accountant, Treasurer and Purchasing Officer.

The Finance Division provides financial support in the realisation of the Divine Word University Mission and the Division seeks to:

  • Develop an effective financial stewardship rather than merely financial control that would improve operational efficiency.
  • Ensure the proper allocation of available financial resources consistent with the operational and development needs of the University.
  • Assure an effective procurement system for goods and services required by the different units of the University.
  • Maintain an accounting system that would generate accurate and timely financial information for decision-making.
  • Ascertain the availability of funds for the operational and development needs of the University through efficient cash management.
  • Maintain an efficient and effective academic information system responsive to the educational needs of the clientele and directly supportive of administrative decision-making.
  • DWU accounts are audited by Price Waterhouse Coopers annually.

Madang Campus

Divine Word University,

Allotment Portion 7,

Section Milinch Kranket,

Nabasa Road,

P.O Box 483,
Madang 511, Madang,
Papua New Guinea

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 424 1800
       (+675) 422 2937
       (+675) 7111 0002

Port Moresby Campus

DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741


Wewak Campus

St. Benedict’s campus,
PO Box 542
Kaindi, Wewak, ESP 531

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 456 2327
       (+675) 456 3243

Fax: (+675) 456 2331


Rabaul Campus

c/- OLSH Kabaleo
P.O. Box 138
Kokopo, ENB 613

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 982 8213
Fax: (+675) 982 8339


Tabubil Campus

c/- DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131


Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741

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