Thursday, 03 March 2022 11:20

2022 Graduation Information

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Name List of Graduands for 2022


The Divine Word University wishes to congratulate all graduands who will be graduating in the Divine Word University’s

40th Graduation Ceremony on Friday the 11th of March 2022.

Graduands should be proud of yourself and the achievement each of you made for yourself, your parents and sponsors.

You have persevered through hardwork, sacrifice and determination.

To prepare for graduation, we ask that graduands take heed of the following graduation information.

Divine Word University 40th Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony will be held in the St John Paul II multi-purpose hall at

Divine Word University, Madang campus starting at 9:00 am on Friday 11th March 2022.

All graduands must be seated by 8.45 am before the procession of delegates/academics/staff and

invited guests as a sign of respect.

Graduands will not be allowed to their seats when the procession of delegates begins signalling the official

graduation ceremony has commenced. We therefore remind you to be at the graduation venue earlier before

the procession has begun.


Rehearsal will be on Thursday 10th March 2022, at the graduation venue starting at 1.30 pm. All graduands

must be at the rehearsal before 1.30 pm to have rehearsal start on time. It is imperative that you attend the

rehearsal to avoid any inconvenience and embarrassment on graduation day.

Outstanding Fees

Graduands with any outstanding fees will find their Certificates and Academic Transcript withheld by the

University until all fees owed are paid.

Cost of Purchase/Hire of Gowns

All graduating students are required to wear the DWU gown during graduation. Therefore, you will

either hire or purchase a gown. The cost for hire is K150.00 and is non-refundable. The cost for

outright purchase is K550.00.

Graduands will make payment for gowns into the DWU Bank Account – BSP Madang, Account

Number: 1000433806. When making the deposit, ensure to print your Name/ID# and the word ‘GOWN’

on the deposit slip. Bring the bank deposit slip butt to collect your gown. No cash will be accepted

on the day of gown distribution.

Gown Distribution

Gown distribution for graduands in the Full-Time programs will be at the SVD Auditorium (SVDMA)

starting from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Wednesday 9th March 2022 and from 9:00am to 12:00pm

on Thursday 10th March 2022.

Gown distribution for graduands in the Flexible Learning programs will be at the MM1 Room,

Postgraduate Research Centre between 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Thursday 10th of March 2022.

Graduands who fully purchase their graduation gowns will have their certificates placed in their

graduation folders. Graduands who hire gowns will receive an empty graduation folder and will need

to return their gowns at the respective place of gown distribution before their certificates are released.

Guests Requirements for Graduation

To comply with COVID-19 measures, the graduation ceremony is restricted and will allow for two

guests each graduand.

All graduands will be given three (3) meal cards during gown collection. You are entitled to one meal

card for yourself and for your two guests. Lunch will be at the Fr Van der Gee­­st Student Dining Hall

after the graduation ceremony. Meal tickets will be provided to you and your two guests.

Gate entry will be restricted to only by presentation of the official pass. The issued meal cards will

also serve as an official pass for gate entry and entry pass for your two guests into the SVD Memorial

Auditorium (SVDMA) and the Sir Peter Barter (SPBA) to participate in the live streaming of the

ceremony. The meal pass must be kept safe once you collect during gown distribution. Graduands

can use their DWU Student ID on graduation day as gate entry.


You are asked to comply with this instruction as we would like to limit the crowd in respect to

COVID-19 measures.

Traffic and Road Control during Graduation

DWU Entry and Exit Gate- Only the front main gate will be opened for staff, students,

graduands, guests & others using ID cards & special passes. Please note that the back

gate will remain closed and those in vehicles needing parking space will be

directed to designated spots.


Control Of People Movements

DWU Graduands and guests who are here for graduation: 

  • Enter through main gate only 
  • Show ID card/pass 
  • Proceed to the JP Hall or SVDMA/SPBA for live streaming event


Livestreaming of the Graduation Ceremony

Your two guests will be able to watch the livestream of the graduation at the SVD Memorial

Auditorium (SVDMA) and the Sir Peter Barter (SPBA). The livestream of the graduation can be

accessed via the Official Divine Word University Facebook page for any of your family members

and friends to witness via the link:

Use of Facilities on Graduation Day

There will be livestreaming of the graduation ceremony at the SVD Memorial Auditorium (SVDMA)

and the Sir Peter Barter (SPBA) on the day of graduation for graduation guests.

Restrooms next to the DWU Staff Mess and adjacent to the Mathematics and Computing Science

Department, the Sir Peter Barter (SPBA) and SVD Memorial Auditorium will be available for public use

on graduation day. Dormitory areas will be restricted to the public.


The university will not and cannot provide accommodation for graduands and their guests. This is to ensure

the safety and well-being of students and further to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Madang town has

different hotels and guests house providers to choose from for your accommodation needs.

COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

With the current situation of COVID-19 within Papua New Guinea, we will still need to follow safety measures

that includes wearing face masks in public spaces, maintaining social distance and frequent washing or

sanitizing of hands before and during graduation. To maintain COVID-19 measures, you will find that:

  • Seating arrangements for graduation will be spaced out to ensure that the social distance of 1.5 metres

        is maintained throughout graduation

  • Masks must be worn at all times on campus most importantly during gown collection, rehearsal and

       the official graduation ceremony

  • There will be no shaking of hands when receiving of award, bowing of heads will be preferred

  • Graduands’ must bring a bottle of water to maintain hydration during graduation

  • Graduands’ two guests will witness the livestream of the graduation at the SVDMA and SPBA

        and not at the graduation venue

  • There will be an assigned photographer to take official graduation photos during the Graduation

       Ceremony. No one will be allowed into the graduation arena to take photos during the Graduation Ceremony.

University Graduation Regalia

All graduands are strictly required to graduate in their full regalia; DWU Gown, Hood (Bachelor level and above),

Stoles (Diploma) and Mortar board (Bachelor level and above).


The University once again would like to congratulate all graduands on your achievement and graduation. With the

challenge of having to cope with the COVID pandemic, let us make graduation as safe as possible.


The 2022 Graduation Committee

Read 5303 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 March 2022 12:23

Madang Campus

Divine Word University,

Allotment Portion 7,

Section Milinch Kranket,

Nabasa Road,

P.O Box 483,
Madang 511, Madang,
Papua New Guinea

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 424 1800
       (+675) 422 2937
       (+675) 7111 0002

Port Moresby Campus

DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741


Wewak Campus

St. Benedict’s campus,
PO Box 542
Kaindi, Wewak, ESP 531

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 456 2327
       (+675) 456 3243

Fax: (+675) 456 2331


Rabaul Campus

c/- OLSH Kabaleo
P.O. Box 138
Kokopo, ENB 613

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 982 8213
Fax: (+675) 982 8339


Tabubil Campus

c/- DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131


Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741

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