Philip Gibbs
Professor Fr Philip Gibbs
Summary Philip Gibbs is a Divine Word Missionary priest born in New Zealand. He came to PNG as a student in 1973. He has worked as a parish priest in Porgera and Par in the Enga Province, seminary lecturer at CTI in Port Moresby, a researcher at the Melanesian Institute, Goroka, research advisor to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Currently he is Professor of Social Research at Divine Word University and head of Research and Higher Degrees. He is involved in a number of academic and research projects including the Elections in Papua New Guinea, History of the Church in Oceania and research with the Sorcery National Action Plan of Papua New Guinea. His is well known as a photographer and movie-maker. Teaching
ExperienceCurrent Designation Vice President Research and Higher Degrees Full time
Publications1975 “Ipili Religion Past and Present: An account of the traditional religion of the people of the Porgera and Paiela Valleys of Papua New Guinea and how it has changed with the coming of the European and Christianity.” Postgraduate Dip. Anthrop. Thesis, University of Sydney. 1977 “The Cult from Lyeimi and the Ipili.” Oceania 48 (September 1977): 1-25. 1977 “Blood and Life in a Melanesian Context.” Point 1977, 166-177. Goroka: Melanesian Institute. 1978 “Kepele: A Ritual from the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea.”Anthropos 73: 434-448. 1978 “Kaunala Tape: Towards a Theological Reflection on a New Guinea Initiation Myth.” M.A. Thesis, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. 1988 “Lepe: An Exercise in Horticultural Theology.” Catalyst 18/3: 215-234. Also in ATESEA Occasional Papers, No. 8. Doing Theology with People’s Symbols and Images, ed.Yeow Choo Lak and John C. England, 159-172. Singapore. 1990 “Titi Pingi: Theology of an Enga Praise Poem.” Catalyst 20/2: 117-136. 1991 “The Task of the Local Church in Interpreting the Relationship between Text and Context in the Theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez.” S.T.L Thesis, Gregorian University, Rome. 1994 “Akali Andake: Reflections on Enga Christology.” Catalyst 24/1: 27-42. 1994 “The Gospel of Christ in Enga.” In P. Gesch (ed.) Gospel Transformations, Madang: Divine Word Institute, 33-41. 1995 (Editor) “The Sandalu Bachelor Ritual among the Laiapu Enga (Papua New Guinea)” by John Schwab. Anthropos 90: 27-47. 1995 “Divine Revelation in the Theology of Jean-Marc Éla, Aloysius Pieris and Gustavo Gutiérrez.” S.T.D. Dissertation, Gregorian University, Rome. 1996 The Word in the Third World: Divine Revelation in the Theology of Jean-Marc Éla, Aloysius Pieris and Gustavo Gutiérrez. Rome: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana. 1996 “An Old Testament Story Becomes Our Story.” In SVD Word in the World 1996–1997, Society of the Divine Word, Holland: Steyl Mission Press, 136-141. 1997 “Bokis Kontrak: An Engan Ark of the Covenant,” Catalyst 27/2 (1997): 147-164 1998 “The Religious Factor in Papua New Guinea Politics.” Catalyst 28/1 (1998): 27-51 1999 “Transforming Humanity from Within: Inculturation as a Challenge for Evangelisation in Papua New Guinea,” Compass 33/2 (1999): 16-20. 1999 “The Transformation of Culture as New Evangelisation (for the Third Millennium in Oceania),” Studia Missionalia 48 (1999): 327-345 2000 “Missionaries and Culture,” Verbum svd 41/1 (2000): 91-104.) Reprinted in Catalyst 31.1 (2001) 4-18. Reprinted in Ishvani Documentation and Mission Digest 18/2 (2000) 210-221. Reprinted in Sedos Bulletin 2000. Also available on 2000 “Evangelisation with Proverbs and Sayings,” Verbum svd 41/1 (2000): 151-160. Reprinted in Catalyst 30/2 (2000) 185-196. Reprinted as “Evangelizzare con i detti e i proverbi” Ad Gentes 4/2 (2000) 265-274. 2001 “Ol Singsing Enga,” Kulele 3 (2001): 51-63. 2001 “New Religious Groups in Papua New Guinea” In Leonardo N. Mercado (ed.) Old Cultures, Renewed Religions: The Search for Cultural Identity in a Changing World (Manila: Logos Publications, 2001) 65-88 2001 “Religion and Politics in Papua New Guinea (1997-2000), Point 24 (2001) 155-174 2002 “The Place of Mission in Oceania Today,” in, The church in Mission: Universal Mandate and Local Concerns, eds. T. Malipurathu and L. Stanislaus, Gujarat, India: Anand Press, (2002) 247-264. 2002, “Pearls in the Deep: Inculturation and Ecclesia in Oceania” Catalyst 32:1 (2002) 94-111. Reprinted in Sedos Bulletin 36.1/2 (2004) 32-40. Available on internet at
2002 “Religion and Religious Institutions as Defining Factors in Papua New Guinea Politics,” Development Bulletin 59, Development Studies Network, Research School of Social Sciences, ANU, Australia (October 2002) 15-18. 2002 “Inculturation and the Urban Faith Experience of Engan Catholics,” Catalyst 32.2: 165-196. 2002 “Rescuing the Memory of Peoples in Papua New Guinea,” 2003 “Moral Muddle: The Missions and Traditional Enga Values,” Catalyst 33.1:61-91. 2003 (With Joseph Lakane) “Haves and Have-nots: The 2002 Elections in the Enga Province, PNG,” Catalyst 33.2: 96-116 2003 “Perceptions of Causes of Disabilities in Wosera, East Sepik Province,” Catalyst 33.2: 149-181. 2004 “Democracy and Enga Political Culture.” In Politicking in the Highlands: The 2002 Papuan New Guinea National Elections, SSGM Discussion Papers, vol 2004/1, pp. 2-15, ANU. Canberra. 2004 “Missionary Intervention and Melanesian Values in Papua New Guinea,” In Cyriac K. Pullapilly et al. (eds.) Christianity and Native Cultures: Perspectives from Different Regions of the World, Notre Dame: Cross Cultural Publications (2004) 229-262. 2004 “Politics, Religion, and the Churches: The 2002 Election in Papua New Guinea.” 2004 “The God Triwan Movement: Inculturation Enga Style.” Catalyst 34 no. 1: 3-23. 2004 “Politics and the Mission of the Church in Oceania.” East Asian Pastoral Review, vol 41, no.3, pp. 223-239. 2004 “Growth, Decline and confusion: Church Affiliation in Papua New Guinea. Catalyst 34, no 2: 164-184. 2004 “Its in the Blood.” South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies. No 31 (Dec. 2004) 22-27. Reprinted in Catalyst 34 no. 2 (2004):129-139. Reprinted in Verbum SVD 46.2 (2005)151-161. Reprinted in Sedos Bulletin 2005: 117-121. 2004 “Changing Perceptions of a Missionary-Researcher,” Pacific Studies 27, no 3/4, Special Issue, “Back in the Field Again: Long-Term Fieldwork Oceanic Anthropology,” Guest Editors, John Barker and Alan Howard. Pp. 61-80. 2005. Encyclopedia of Religion. Second Edition. Edited by Lindsay Jones, Macmillan Reference USA, “Oceanic Religions: New Religious Movements,” Vol 10, 6794-6799. “Rites of Passage: Oceanic Rites”, Vol 11, 7806-7810 2005. “’You have a Baby and I’ll climb a Tree,’ Gender Relations Perceived through Enga Proverbs and Sayings about Women.” Catalyst 35.1 (2005) 15-33. 2005 “Grassroots in Paradise: Contextual Theology for Papua New Guinea,” The Melanesian Journal of Theology 21.1 (2005) 37-62. 2005. “Political Discourse and Religious Narratives of Church and State in Papua New Guinea.” SSGM Working Paper. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. 2005 “Finding Faith in the City: Inculturation and the Urban Experience of Engan Catholics” in Robert J. Kisala (ed.) Urbanization and Mission in Asia and the Pacific. Manila: Logos Publications, 211-245. 2005 “Local Church, the Community in Mission: Physiognomy of an Inculturated Community” Salesian Family Mission Seminar: Mission Animation Notes 1, pp.59-72, Rome: Editrice SDB, 2005. 2005 “Resistance and Hope in a Theology of Land for Papua New Guinea.” 2006 “Limited Preferential Voting and Enga Political Culture”, Catalyst 35.1 (2006) 3-25. 2006 “Kumanda: Death and Pastoral Care – a Christian Enga Perspective. Catalyst 35.1 (2006) 81-99. 2006 (editor) Alive in Christ. Point 30 Melanesian Institute, Goroka, Papua New Guinea. 2006 “The Reception of Ecclesia in Oceania. Chapter 6 in Alive in Christ. Point 30, pp 160-181. Also: 2006 “Papua New Guinea” in Globalization and the Re-Shaping of Christianity in the Pacific Islands, ed. Manfred Ernst. Suva, Pacific Theological College, pp. 81-158. 2006 “Papua New Guinea,” in Encyclopaedia of Politics and Religion. Washington: CQ Press. 2006 (with Paul Petrus) “Impairments and Social Disability in Yagaria (Lufa) Papua New Guinea,” Research Report. Goroka: Melanesian Institute. 2007 “Narrative and Context in a Practical Theology for Papua New Guinea.” 2007 “Chanted Tales,” in Papua New Guinea Yearbook, 2007. Ed. Brian Gomez. Port Moresby: The National and Cassowary Books, pp. 47-51. 2007 Bountiful Harvest: The Churches in Papua New Guinea. Occasional Paper 13. Goroka, Melanesian Institute. 2007 “Culture and Faith: The Contribution of the Melanesian Institute, Papua New Guinea,” in L. Plutnicov, Paula Brown and Vinson Sutlive (eds.) Anthroplogy’s Debt to Missionaries, Ethnology Monographs 20, University of Pittsburgh, pp. 117-136. 2007 (with D.W. Young) The Churches and Peace Building in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Research Report, Port Moresby: PNG Church Partnership Program. 2008 (with Josepha Junnie Wailoni). “Sorcery Among the Plains Arapesh.” Anthropos 103: 149-158 2008 “Tribal conflict: Churches persevere in seeking solutions.” Papua New Guinea Yearbook 2008, ed. Brian Gomez. Port Moresby: The National and Cassowary Books. 2008 “Healing in the Context of HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea.” 2009 (with M. Mondu) “The Context of HIV Transmission during the 2007 Elections in the Enga Province, Papua New Guinea.” Catalyst 39.2: 135-157. 2009 “Gender Voice Through Photos,” Papua New Guinea Yearbook 2009. 2009 “Making Sense of HIV and AIDS: Community Conversation in the Papua New Guinea Context.” Catalyst 39.2: 56-70. 2009 “Forces of Death and the Promise of Life in Papua New Guinea.” Australian E-Journal of Theology 14. 2009 “Sorcery and AIDs in Simbu, East Sepik and Enga,” Occasional Paper 2, National Research Institute, Port Moresby. 2009 (with Josepha Wailoni) “Sorcery and a Christian Response in the East Sepik,” In F. Zocca ed., Sanguma in Paradise. Point 33, pp. 55-96, Melanesian Institute, Papua New Guinea. 2009 “Violence and Living Prophetic Dialogue” In Patrick Gesch, ed., Mission and Violence. Healing the Lasting Damage. Madang, DWU Press, pp. 137-143 . 2010 “Witch-killing and Engendered Violence in Simbu.” Catalyst 40 (1): 24-64.. 2010 (with Marie Mondu. Sik Nogut o Nomol Sik: A study into the Socio-cltural Factors Contributing to Sexual Health in the Southern Highlands and Simbu Provinces, Papua New Guinea. Sydney: Caritas Australia. 2010 “Emerging Indigenous Theologies in Oceania,” Concilium 2010 (5): 34-44 2011 (With Terry Borchard) “Parallelism in Ipili Chanted Tales.” In Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands, ed. Alan Rumsey and Don Niles, pp. 165-196. Canberra: Australian National University E Press. 2011 “Enga Tindi Pii. The Real World and Creative Imagination.” In Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands, ed. Alan Rumsey and Don Niles, pp. 151-164. Canberra: Australian National University E Press. 2011 “LPV in Enga:The Wabag Open Electorate” In Election 2007. May, Anere, Haley & Wheen (eds.) pp 261-284. Port Moresby: National Research Institute. 2011 (With Marie Mondu.) “The Context of HIV Transmission during the 2007 Election in Enga Province,” In Election 2007, May, Anere, Haley & Wheen (eds.) pp 157-176, Port Moresby: National Research Institute. 2011 “Getting to Know our Neighbours,” Common Theology 3 (2): 5-9. 2012 (with Lorraine Basse & Thomas Warr) “PMIZ: Promise and Plight,” Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal 16: 37-51 2012 The Context of God's Mission in Papua New Guinea: Intercultural Relations and an SVD Tradition, Verbum SVD 53(1): 69-84. 2012 “Land as Legacy,” Catalyst 42 (1): 1-11. 2012 “Engendered Violence and Witch-killing in Simbu,” In Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea, M. Jolly, C. Stewart, C. Brewer (eds.), pp. 107-136, Canberra: Australian National University E-Press. 2012 “Mission and Culture: The SVD Connection, In Mission and Culture: The Louis J. Luzbetak Lectures, (ed.) Stephen Bevans, pp. 291-310. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 2012 (With Heather Worth) “’Eat Coffee Candy and Die’: Sex, Death and Huli Funerals,” Sexual Health, 2012 “La fragilité dans un État fragile, Spiritus 208, pp. 322-335. 2012 “Indigenous Spirituality: Expanding the View,” in Dreaming a new earth: Raimon Panikkar and indigenous spiritualities. Edited by Gerard Hall & Joan Hendriks. Pp 55-67. Mosaic Press. 2013 “Thy Kingdom Come: Political Holiness for Papua New Guinea,” in Bergin, Helen F., ed. From North to South: Southern Scholars Engage with Edward Schillebeeckx. Adelaide: ATF Theology, 2013. 2013 “Encountering Difference: Interculturality and Contextual Theology, Verbum SVD 54 (1): 75-89. 2013 “Election Audit by the Catholic Church in the PNG Highlands. In N. Schwartz (ed.) The Politics of Give & Take: The 2012 Papua New Guinea National Election. Point 37, pp 197-209. The Melanesian Institute, Goroka. 2013 “Case Study: the Wabag Open Electorate of the Enga Province. NRI Issues Paper #2, October 2013 2014 “Disability and Pastoral Theology,” in N. Schwarz (ed.), The Callan Services in PNG and Melanesian Institute Disability Symposium White Paper: A Guide to Future Disability-related Research in PNG, pp. 30-34. Occasional Paper, no. 15, Melanesian Institute, Goroka. 2014 “Tale of Two Speakers: Culture and Religious Hermeneutics,” pp 9-12 in Purging Parliament: A New Christian Politics in Papua New Guinea? (with R. Eves, N Haley, RJ May, J Cox, F. Merlan and A Rumsey, SSGM Discussion Paper 2004/1, ANU, Canberra. 2014 “Papua New Guinea,” in Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, 2nd ed. Vol 3, pp 637-647. 2015 “Beyond the Fence: Confronting Witchcraft Accusations in the Papua New Guinea Highlands,” International Bulletin of Missionary Research, vol. 39, no 1, pp. 8-11 2015 (With Heather Worth), “Eating Coffee Candy: HIV Risk at Huli Funerals,” in Health of HIV Infected People, vol 2, ed. Ronald Ross Watson, pp. 19-29, Elsevier Academic Press, 2015. DOI: 2015 “Practical Church Interventions on Sorcery and Witchcraft Violence in the PNG Highlands.” In Talking it Through: The Problems and Victims of Sorcery and Witchcraft Practices and Beliefs in Melanesia, R. Eves and M. Forsyth eds., pp. 309-327, ANU Press, Canberra, Australia. 2015 (With Sarah Logan) “Using Mobile Phones to Track Anti-Witchcraft Violence in Papua New Guinea,” In Brief 2015/19, Australian National University. 2015 Confronting Sorcery Violence in PNG. Policy Forum, ANU Canberra. 2015 “Hardly Fair: Gender equity during the 2012 Papua New Guinea National Elections in the Wabag Open electorate”, Catalyst 45.1, pp. 43-60. Reproduced in Resources page of Pacific Institute. 2016 “I Could Be the Last Man: Changing Masculinities in Enga Society, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17:3-4, 324-341, DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2016.1179783 2016 “Grave Business in Enga. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 2016, 125 (2): 115-132; DOI: 2016 with Winnie William). “Second Chance. Caring for HIV-Infected Mothers and Their Children in Mendi, Papua New Guinea. “ In Naomi McPherson (ed.) Missing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania. Pp. 74-95. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press. 2016 “Basic rules of Enga spelling.“ Appendix 6 in Polly Wiessner (ed.) Enga Culture & Community Wisdom From the Past. Pp 252-253. Enga Provincial Government and Tradition and Transition Fund. 2016 “Mens’ Matters: Changing Masculine Identities in Papua New Guinea.” In Biersack, A., Jolly, M. and Macintyre M. (eds.) Gender Violence and Human Rights. Seeking Justice in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. Pp. 127-158. ANU Press, Canbera.
2016 “Quality of life and development challenges in a Middle Ramu community” Contemporary PNG Studies. DWU Research Journal, vol 25, November, 2016, pp. 1-12 (With M. Aiwe, A Dick Tia & E. Wangihama). 2017 (With Elly Kale) “Completion rates in flexible learning”. DWU Research Journal, vol 26, May 2017, pp. 56-66. |