Volume 25 November 2016
1. Quality of life and development challenges in a Middle Ramu community
Philip Gibbs, Matthew Aiwe, Anastasia Dick Tia & Eva Wangihama
2. Traditional beliefs and care system towards persons with disabilities in Papua New Guinea
Jerzy Kuzma, Karthikeyan P Ramalingam, Priya Karthikeyan
3. Electronic government: Evaluating status through content analysis of government websites in Papua New Guinea
Martin Daniel
4. Access to television and food choices and preferences of community school children in Papua New Guinea
Arnold Kukari & Erica Ogoba
5. Unwrapping the social and cultural meaning of Garamut (slit-drums) of Papua New Guinea
Alphonse Aime
6. Stereotypes and illusionary differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods in Papua New Guinea
Joseph Kim Suwamaru
7. Where are they now? A tracer study of former Health Management students of Divine Word University
Kingston Namun, Anna Irumai, Kichawen Chakumai, Samson Papapu, Peter Sion & Irene Semos
8. Creative phonics: A strategy for teaching literacy in vernacular languages in elementary schools
Eunice Woktop
9. A case study of Mona’s transition from secondary to tertiary education
Erita Yawi
10. School learning improvement plans: An Unggai Bena case study
Francis Alua