Department of Education and Professional Studies - Rabaul Campus
Adopting the vision statement of DWU as its own, the Faculty of Education serves society by educating classroom teachers, preparing educational leaders, providing leadership and support for training and development, conducting educational research and engaging in provincial, national, and international projects.
The university shares with all institutions of higher education a triple mission:
The acquisition of knowledge, which is the mission of research
The transmission of knowledge, which is the mission of teaching
The application of knowledge, which is the mission of community engagement.
- Integrity
- Academic Excellence
- Community Engagement/Service
- Respect
- Diversity
- Hospitality
- Learning for Life
- Social Responsibility
The foundation for the Learning and Teaching Plan is based on facilitating the experience of DWU students as reflective lifelong learners acting on strongly developed Christian ethical principles. DWU graduates will display personal qualities of scholarship and social awareness at local, national and international levels as evidenced through the following eight attributes:
1. Professional knowledge – achieve levels of knowledge and skills appropriate to entering and maintaining employment and to continuing career development in their chosen professional area through their commitment to lifelong learning.
2. Analysis and problem solving – apply their abilities with academic integrity to identify and define problems, exercise informed critical judgment and acknowledge their own limitations in understanding and solving problems.
3. Research – demonstrate independent analytical, critical, logical and creative thinking in systematically identifying and solving problems to establish or to create appropriate new and ethical solutions.
4. Information technology – have experienced the use of archives and libraries and the application of a range of computer software, particularly software appropriate to their disciplinary area, and established receptiveness to the expanding opportunities for electronic technology Social awareness
Social Awareness
5. Personal development – have been assisted to develop a philosophy of life based on the absolute human dignity of all persons, particularly the disadvantaged, through a commitment to Christian personal and professional ethics
6. Communication – have excellent communication skills, in written and oral language, and understand and use English as the language of international scholarship as well as respecting the linguistic diversity of PNG.
7. Social Responsibility – accept the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of an education and display willingness to serve the needs of society through application of their disciplinary knowledge and professional skills
8. Social interaction – demonstrate the ability to work productively, both autonomously and co-operatively, with tolerance, respect and valuing for human diversity, but also with a passionate commitment to truth.
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
NATIONAL PARTNERS - Faculty of Education
- PNG National Department of Education
- PNG Teaching Services Commission
- West New Britain Provincial Government (Teacher Qualification Upgrade Programs)
LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS - FAculty of Education
- National Callan Services Institute (Special Education Curriculum Development and Teaching)