Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (BTHM)

Program code : BTHM


The BTHM program aims to prepare graduates as professionals, acting in stewardship for the greater tourism society and tourism world by providing modes of study for both reflection and action, in a Christian environment. Graduates are prepared to both provide better tourism services through competent management and, develop a better tourism world. The program also aims to prepare students for further education, by providing opportunities for research, problem solving and critical thinking. These aims articulate the role the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management (DTHM) in achieving the stated objectives of the Faculty of Business and Informatics (FBI) to:

“…offer quality education in the fields of…tourism…with a special emphasis on encouraging moral and ethical behaviour…in all the academic areas in which the Faculty is involved that meet international academic standards and are responsive to local, national and international development needs…to produce programs which are responsive to the priorities of national development.”

For a degree award in the subject areas of ‘tourism’ and ‘hospitality’ and the generic area of ‘management’ a graduate of the BTHM degree program can:

 Demonstrate vocationally relevant managerial skills and knowledge by exposure to professional practice

 Evaluate and apply vocationally relevant concepts associated with the operational and strategic management of financial, human and physical resources

 Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and characteristics of tourism as an area of academic and applied study

 Explain the nature and characteristics of tourists

 Analyse and evaluate the products, structure of and interactions in the tourism industry

 Analyse and evaluate the relationships between tourism and the communities and environments in which it takes place

 Analyse and evaluate the defining characteristics of hospitality as a phenomenon

 Use technical and interpersonal skills and knowledge to propose and evaluate practical and theoretical solutions to complex problems in core areas of tourism and hospitality operations

 Evaluate and apply, within the tourism and hospitality context, appropriate theories and concepts from the generic management areas

 Analyse and evaluate the business environment and its impact on the tourism and hospitality industry

 Recognise and value the centrality of the hospitality consumer and meet and respond to their needs

 Identify and respond appropriately to the diversity that prevails within the hospitality industry

 Analyse and evaluate the concepts and defining characteristics of events as an area of academic and applied study

The above are benchmark standards set by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in the United Kingdom. These are articulated through a program of units designed to balance the vocational with wider social science aspects of tourism study including the nature, impacts and, meanings, of tourism.


Units Offered

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Madang Campus

Divine Word University,

Allotment Portion 7,

Section Milinch Kranket,

Nabasa Road,

P.O Box 483,
Madang 511, Madang,
Papua New Guinea

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 424 1800
       (+675) 422 2937
       (+675) 7111 0002

Port Moresby Campus

DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741


Wewak Campus

St. Benedict’s campus,
PO Box 542
Kaindi, Wewak, ESP 531

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 456 2327
       (+675) 456 3243

Fax: (+675) 456 2331


Rabaul Campus

c/- OLSH Kabaleo
P.O. Box 138
Kokopo, ENB 613

[email protected]

Tel: (+675) 982 8213
Fax: (+675) 982 8339


Tabubil Campus

c/- DWU POM Campus
PO Box 582
Konedobu, NCD 131


Tel: (+675) 325 5668
       (+675) 7091 5741

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