Lorraine Morlin

Mrs. Lorraine Morlin
Head of Department
Department of Governance and Leadership
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Summary A qualified Industrial Relations advocate, and also an advocate of best HR practice, Lorraine comes from New Ireland Province. She worked with the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations after graduating from the University of Papua New Guinea. She held the position of Regional Industrial Relations Officer, and later was appointed the Industrial Registrar, a position she held before joining Divine Word University. Given her vast experience in the Public Service, Lorraine was employed by DWU in 2010 to Join the then Faculty of Flexible Learning as a lecturer facilitating to students most of whom came from the Public Sector. A qualified Cert. iv Trainer, Lorraine was part of the DWU team that put together and successfully delivered the Diploma in Education Management Training Program (DEMTP) to the senior officers of the National Education Department. She is a member of the University of Western Australia Alumni Association and of the PNG Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA). Research Projects: |