Gabriel has a Master of International Public Health degree from the University of New South Wales in Australia, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education from the Divine Word University in PNG and a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Catholic Theological Institute in PNG. Gabriel is from Simbu province but considers himself as a Papua New Guinean. He is married with two children.
Gabriel worked with the Melanesian Institute in Goroka as a researcher for four years before pursuing further studies in Australia. He also worked at the HIV Social and Behavioural Research Section of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Unit of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) in Goroka as a project coordinator. Then he worked with Transparency International, PNG Inc., as a research and campaign manager. Gabriel also worked with the PNG Department of Immigration and Citizenship Authority and the Australian Government of Border Force as a Refugee Case Management Consultant on Manus Island for more than 2 years. Recently, Gabriel worked with the Family Health International (FHI360) as Project Director for the Komuniti Lukautim Ol Meri Project in Port Moresyby before joining the academic staff at DWU.
Research Projects:
- RS238 Christian Anthropology
- RS332 Melanesian Spirituality
- RS333 Liturgy: Symbols and Meanings
Current Designation
Social and Religious Studies, Lecturer
Full time
Part Time
16th January – 10th February 2012: Australian Leadership Award Fellowship.
Strengthening HIV Social Research Capacity amongst HIV Social Research Leaders in Papua New Guinea and Fiji at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Trained to write peer reviewed research journals for publications.
- A paper titled, “Contested views and beliefs about HIV and AIDS among pastors of Evangelical and Pentecostal churches in Papua New Guinea,” was developed and presented at the end of the training.
- The paper was later developed and published at the Divine Word University Research Journal.
- A certificate for the month long training was awarded at the end of the training
- Kuman, G., & Marcel, P. (2011), “Bung wantaim, wok wantaim, stapwantaim,” Report on Eastern Highlands Provincial Disability Forum,” Catalyst 41(2); pp. 145 – 149.
- Kuman, G. (2010). Report on SIL – Anthropology workshop at Ukarumpa: Towards achieving dirty Bibles, Catalyst 40(2), pp. 271 – 274.
- Schuele, E., Kuman, G., & Gibbs, P., et al (2020). Risk perceptions and responses to COVID-19 at a Papua New Guinea University, In. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, Vol (33). Pp.59-80.
- Kuman, G. (2017). The Simbu Pig-Kill Festival and the Eucharist: A Paradigm for Building Christian Community in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. In R. Daniel Shaw and William, R Burrows (eds.), Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship: Dangerous Syncretism or Necessary Hybridity. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.
- Worth, H., Arakose, A., Hanku-Kelly, A., Kupul, M., Kuman, G., Amos, A., Wilson, D., and Siba, P., (2016), What makes for effective leadership in the HIV response in Papua New Guinea? (An analysis of interviews with leaders), Sydney, School of Public Health and Community Medicine of the University of New South Wales, International HIV Research Group Publications.
- Kuman, G., (2018), Refugee Resettlement and Integration Program in Papua New Guinea: personal observations, views and experiences, Catalyst 77(1), pp. (in press).
- Kuman, G., (2011), Sorcery, Witchcraft and Development in Papua New Guinea, Catalyst, 41(1): 19-37.
- Tnines, M. & Kuman, G., (2014), “The experiences of families of children with disabilities,” pp. 102 – 129, in Nick Schwarz & Martin Tnines (eds.), A Work in Progress: Inclusive Education in Papua New Guinea, POINT Series No. 38. Goroka: Melanesian Institute.
Long term collaboration with Professor Daniel R. Shaw from Fuller Theological Seminary in the USA. Through this collaboration, Gabriel contributed a chapter to A book titled “Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship: Dangerous Syncretism or Necessary Hybridity,” which Professor Shaw and Professor Burrow’s co-edited and co-authored and was published by Orbis Books in USA.