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Tel: (675) 422 1744 Ext: 773 Fax: (675) 422 1870
Location: AA building, Room 13
Research interest:
Small-Medium Enterprise; Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise; Socioeconomic impact study; Human Resource Development; Strategic HRM; Industrial & Organizational Psychology; Industrial Relations; Employment Relations; Retrenchment Issues; Occupational Health & Safety Management.
Research Profile:

Kosley Wara is a young qualified Business Professional. He has worked with couple of organizations, both in public and private sector from 2010- 2016 before taking up this academic career as a Lecturer at Divine Word University in August of 2016. Organizations that he has work with are, Morobe Mining Joint Venture on its project site Wafi Golpu, Oil Search Limited on its Moro- Kutubu operations, National Agriculture Research Institute in Lae, Mainland Holdings Limited in Lae and Air Niugini at its HQ office in Port Moresby. He obtains his Bachelor Degree from the University of Papua New Guinea in 2011. He further attained his Masters of Business Administration from Central Queensland University, Australia in 2015. Additionally, he also attains his Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning at Divine Word University. Currently, in the process of PhD studies. He is member of the PNG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI), a member to Papua New Guinea Australian Alumni Association and also currently undergoing PNG Certified Practicing Accounting modules.
Research Projects:
- Human Resource Management
- Strategic Management
- Principle of Marketing
- Marketing Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Project Feasibility Studies & Enterprise Development
- Business Information System
- Sales & Marketing
- Managing Quality in Organization
- Total Quality Management & Accountability
- Managing Organizational Change
Current Designation
Business Studies Lecturer
Full time
- Aug 2016 – to date: Lecturer, Business Studies- Teaching all management programs for full time undergraduates year 3 & year 4 students only, Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea.
- Oct 2015- Aug 2016: Procurement Coordinator, Mainland Holding Limited (MHL). Coordinating all procurement and shipping for MHL in Lae, 7-mile office.
- Aug 2013- Mar 2014: HR Coordinator, National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI). Coordinating HR Department for NARI, Lae, 11-mile HQ office.
- Sep 2012- Aug 2013: Site HR Supervisor, Oil Search Limited, Moro- Kutube, S.H.P. Supervising HR Department on project site- Moro, Kutube.
- Nov 2010- Sep 2012: Project HR Officer, Morobe Mining Joint Venture. Based on Wafi Golpu project site, Lae, M/P.
Part Time
- Affiliate member to Papua New Guinea Australian Alumni Association (PNGAAA)
- Affiliate member to Papua New Guinea Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI)
- Recently affiliate members to PNGCPA and currently undergoing CPA modules
- Masters of Business Administration from Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia
- Bachelor in Business Management from The University of Papua New Guinea.
- Australian Award Scholarships to peruse Masters in Australia, Mar 2014 – Oct 2015
- Divine Word University Teaching Excellence Award, 2017
- Currently writing and working on two journals title”
- How training and development should be in PNG &
- Minimum Wage and its impact on PNG.