Roy Bauelua

Mr. Roy Bauelua
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Studies
Faculty of Busniess and Informatics
Summary Roy Bauelua’s work experience was one of both office administration and teaching, spanning over forty years. His teaching experiences alone made up close to twenty years. Prior to joining Divine Word University five years ago, Roy taught at Pacific Adventist University for fourteen years in the School of Business Studies. He enjoys working with young and not-so young people who choose business as their life’s career. Currently, Roy plays a double role of being the Head of the Business Studies Department as well as a lecturer. Ask him what motivates him on what he does as a lecturer in Business Studies, this is what he’d tell you: “Perhaps what gives me most satisfaction on what I do is seeing those I have assisted go on to living a life of fulfilment in their career.” He is married with three adult children and three grand-children. In his leisure time he likes playing tennis and basketball. Research Projects: |