Cronicle Nambahin

Mr. Cronicle Nambahin
Senior Tutor II
Department of Information Systems
Faculty Business and Informatics
Summary Cronicle is an aspiring IT Professional with 5+ years of proven experience working in business, NGO, and education sectors. He has possessed a strong technical knowledge and a proven experience in the field of ICT especially server administration, network infrastructure and communication, website design, and software development. He also has proven skills and experience in graphic design, especially in designing banners, roll up banners, posters, and flyers using Photoshop. Cronicle holds a Graduate Certificate in Data Networking (CCNAv7), a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Computing Science. He previously worked as a Casual IT Officer in the Billing Solution Department of Telikom PNG for three months and later joined New Guinea Binatang Research Center in Madang where he worked as an IT Systems Officer in 2018. He is currently a fulltime Senior Tutor in the Information Systems Department at Divine Word University and he is specialized in teaching Server and Network Management. Research Projects:TeachingUnits Currently Teaching:
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