Mike Wimbit Yandit

Mr. Mike Wimbt Yandit
Department Finance and Management
Faculty of Business and Informatics
Summary Mike Wimbit Yandit is a qualified Business Manager from Western Province, PNG. He worked as a Technician, Technical Officer, Supervisor, Branch Manager and Regional Business Manager for Telikom PNG Limited from 1984 to 2016 before taking up the academic career as Lecturer at Divine Word University in 2017. He is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Finance and Management with the Faculty of Business and Informatics. He obtained his dual Bachelor Degrees in Commerce and Business Management from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) in 2004 and 2008 respectively. He further obtained his dual Master degrees in Business Administration and Professional Accounting from Divine Word University (DWU) in 2011 and 2016 respectively. He recently obtained his Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning from Divine Word University in 2018. He intends to pursue a PhD program within the next 2 years. He is a member of the Certified Practising Accountants PNG (CPAPNG) and attempting the professional examinations to be a fully certified CPA. During his tenure as Regional Business Manager, he has been a member of the Provincial Co-ordination and Monitoring Committee and the Madang Chamber of Commerce. Research Projects: |