Sr. Miriam Maria Dlugosz is a Holy Spirit Sister originally from Poland. Before she first came to PNG in 1984 she studied Theology in Poland and has Master Degree in Theology and Liturgy. Over 10 years she spent in the Enga Province working in the Holy Spirit Pastoral Centre in Par before going for Licentiate and PhD studies in Missiology at the Gregorian University in Rome. She wrote her PhD thesis on: Mae Enga Myths and Christ’s Message: Fullness of Life in Mae Enga Mythology and Christ the Life (Jn 10:10), which was published (1998). After years of serving the Congregation as general councilor she returned to PNG in 2003 -2004 lecturing in DWU in the Department of Social and Religious Studies. From 2004 -2014 she served on different levels of her Congregation in Europe but in all these years she was invited with talks, conferences and lectures on Mission and Inculturation on different occasions. She returned to PNG in 2014 again and since then she has been lecturing at DWU. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the DWU, as the Associate Professor in Missiology she lectures in the Department of Social and Religious Studies. She lectures research units and some religious studies units. Her present area of interest and research includes the role of Engan women past and present
Research Projects:
- Johannine Literature
- Hebrew Scriptures
- Management Communication and Development
- Social Research Methods
- Data Analysis and Report Writing
Current Designation
- Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Associate Professor of Missiology
- Senior Lecturer of Research and other units in the Social and Religious Studies Department
Full time
Part Time
- Catechetical Course in Warsaw – Poland
- Bible Course in Italy – Rome/Nemi
- Italian Language Course in Italy - Perugia
- Spanish Language Course in Spain - Valladolid
- English Language Course in England
- MA in Theology – Poland Catholic University in Lublin
- Licentiate in Missiology – Rome/Italy
- PhD in Missiology – Rome/Italy
- The symposium on marriage and family life (MI Goroka, 2015) – paper presented on: Challenges faced by married couples in Kompiam-Ambum District, Enga
- Symposium at the Cardinal S. Wyszynski University in Warsaw/Poland December (2017) – presentation on: Changing perception on the role of Enga woman in the society today in Kompiam-Ambum District, Enga.
- Conference at the Card. S. Wyszynski University in Warsaw/Poland (January 2018) – Marriages of teenagers of the past and present in n Kompiam-Ambum District, Enga.
- Dlugosz, M. (1994). Auf Freiersfüßen in Enga. Bräuche der traditionellen Brautwerbung in Neuguinea. (Courting in Enga. Customs of the traditional courtship in Papua New Guinea.). Steyler Missions Chronic 1993/1994, 141-146.
- Dlugosz, M. (1995). Mae Enga Myths and Christ’s Message: Fullness of Life in Mae Enga Mythology and Christ the Life (Jn 10:10). Excerpta ex dissertation ad Doctoratum in Facultate Missiologiae Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, Roma.
- Dlugosz, M. (1997). Enga woman made for life. Verbum SVD, 3(38), 319-332.
- Dlugosz, M. (1998). Mae Enga Myths and Christ’s Message: Fullness of Life in Mae Enga Mythology and Christ the Life (Jn 10:10). Studia Instituti Missiologici Society Verbi Divini, Vol 66, Nettetal: Steyler Verlag.
- Dlugosz, M. (2004). Eucharystia wyrazem wspólnoty,’ (Eucharist - the expression of Community) – Zeszyty Werbistowskie 20, 154-181.
- Dlugosz, M. (2006). Duchowość misyjna w świetle odnowionych Statutów PDM. In: Światło Narodów 4(143), 6-20. (Mission spirituality in the light of the renewed Statutes of Pontifical Missionary Societies PMS).
- Dlugosz, M. (2014). Ten jeden skok. (This one jump - Story of my vocation). In: A. Kot & M. Piątkowski Eds (2014). Widzieliśmy Mesjasza. (We have seen the Messiah). 3, 51-60.
- Dlugosz, M. (2015). Papua Neu Guinea ist heute nicht so wie es frueher war. Steyler Missionschronik, 10, 114- 122.
- Dlugosz, M. (2015). Challenges faced by married couples in Kompiam-Ambum District, Enga. Point Series, 39, 80-100.
- Dlugosz, M. (2016). Zmieniające się oblicze PNG (Changing face of PNG) Stabat Mater 169, 14-20.